Ive made 100 Post (counting this one)

So, I’ve noticed that I have made it to 99 post(so exciting!), and wanted #100 to be special. So here it is…

thank you

Thank you all for the encouragement, comments, likes and follows. There are some of you that have a special place in my heart now. When I first began blogging, you were the ones to always comment on my post, and were always willing to share constructive criticism. With out all of you, I probably would have turned tail and given up long ago. Instead I’ve kept at it, and have made many new friends. Blogging 101 and 201 helped out a lot also. That’s where I have met most of you!

Although I’m still kinda new to all of this, y’all gave me the courage to keep at it! You will never know how thankful I am to each and every one of you! So again, Thank you very very much!!

Blogging 201- Day 7

Today’s assignment: create a recurring blogging event on your site, and/or make plans to attend a blogging conference.

For todays assignment I decided to create a recurring blogging event!! I’m a little nervous but hopefully this will work out well. For now that’s all I’m going to say.

Be on the look out for a new page 🙂 I will also do a post about it within a day or two.

Blogging 201- Day 6

Today’s Assignment: pick one social network you’ll use to help grow your blog. Then, outline a plan for how you’ll use it.

I have a Facebook page and a Twitter account(you can find the links on my sidebar). I use these social networks as what I call announcing. Every time I post on here, links to the post are posted on both sites. This lets others, people that don’t have WordPress, can also view my blog if interested.

Blogging 201- Day 5

Today’s assignment: integrate a feature to draw traffic to your older content like a widget, related posts, or a “Best of” page.

For todays assignment I added a “Top Posts & Pages” widget. I really don’t know why I picked that route but I like it for now. This will show my most liked posts and pages, and eventually you will read them all:) When I have a little more time I will be looking at the other options also, and maybe changing this one!

Blogging 201- Day 4

Today’s assignment: do a basic stats analysis to help you create an editorial calendar for the next 30 days.

Apparently my most popular day is Wednesday! You must love my quotes for Words Crush Wednesday 😉 Without getting too off track… I am going to keep my current schedule:

Tuesday: Book Review

Wednesday: Words Crush Wednesday

Friday/Saturday: Grammar Ghoul Press Shapeshifting 13

The rest of the week you get extra reviews(if I have any), my thoughts, and for now Blogging 201!

Blogging 201- Day 3

Today’s assignment: make sure your site is mobile-friendly, and familiarize yourself with the features of responsive design.

For today’s task I played around with my mobile version(well, tried to). I don’t really like the fact that you have to click on a post to finish reading it, but without doing that you will most likely not see what I’m “Currently Reading,” which is at the bottom. So for now, that’s the way it’s going to be. In the near future it may change.. I will be playing around with it some more and possibly making some other changes.